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US Ignores EU’s Progressive But Ltd Abortion

US Progressives love to hail EU Progressives & pray to the same globalist gods, but WSJ rightly calls out their blindness to “Europe’s Abortion Lesson,” in which abortion IS recognized, but limited thanks to compromise.

Concluded the editorial board: The EU “democracies compromised on the issue after [reasoned, not hysterical] political debate, [and] not judicial fiat.” The short of the op ed is, yes, “We mean Europe, where abortion is legal in most countries, usually with limits that are more strict than America’s and generally as a result of democratic choice.” The editors list the most liberal & most conservative laws in each country. We’re told Britain & the Netherlands are among the most permissive … Poland & smaller Catholic-majority countries are at the other end of the spectrum … while most others, like Sweden, Denmark, German, Belgium, France & even Italy fall somewhere in between.

Most striking, the WSJ suggests, is that in nearly every instance, each country’s abortion rules were hashed out among the people & their representatives … whether it be at what point in the pregnancy abortion would be allowed, whether parental or spousal consent was needed, or the health concerns of the mother & child should factor in. But, no, in the “Leader of the Free World,” we have the spectacle of a Supreme Court having to tell Congress what the Constitution says about Privacy & the Right to Life, a President & Congressional leaders winking at crazed radicals trying to intimidate those Justices outside their homes & a MSM that plays up the divisions just to be able to drive readership. As Piers Morgan noted: This is “not the way a civilized democracy should behave.”

Davd Soul


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