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US Intel & Creepy Russians: Impeach Trump?

What a shock. US Intel Officials say, “Russia Seeks to Boost Trump in 2024 Election.” Will Dems in Congress now launch a campaign to impeach Trump before elected in November? Can we hear about China, Iran & domestic nut cases trying to influence voters?


Actually, the WSJ story did note these officials are worrying about “Other foreign-influence operations in the US [that] include attempts by Iran to covertly encourage protests against the war in Gaza.” Meanwhile, we’re told, “The officials didn’t mention Trump by name, but said that Russia’s current activity – described as “all in” covert social-media use & other online propaganda efforts – mirrored the 2020 & 2016 election cycles, when Moscow also favored Trump & sought to undermine Democratic candidates.” Apparently, Russia is again “seeking to influence specific voting groups, including those in swing states, promote divisive narratives & denigrate specific politicians … but they declined to provide details about the voters or politicians who have been targeted.”


Natch. Nor did the officials address what good the Russian online efforts did them since Mr. Biden won the 2020 election & Democrats in Congress were arguably the biggest winners in mid-terms since 2016. They did, btw, admit the “activity witnessed so far this election cycle isn’t on the scale or scope seen in 2016” while ignoring the Russia gate scandal involving US intel community disinformation campaigns against Trump. But, thank you, intelligence officials, for keeping us on our toes about the foreign influencers’ underhanded work & reminding us yet again that somebody also should be keeping an eye on you know who in our own back yard. Perhaps the best news is that Americans are getting pretty savvy about sorting through all these domestic as well as foreign gamesters …


Davd Soul


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