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US Law Still Best, Ask Singapore Potheads

Jan 6 rioter gets 7 yrs in can while George Floyd arsonists often never even got arrested yet if you think US criminal justice system is slanted if not broken consider Singapore giving death penalty for minor drug offenses.

With the Guy Reffitt and member of the Texas Three Percenters militia group being sentenced for 87 months after a protracted trial for helping to storm the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, renewed accusations of “unequal treatment” are arising as they did in the wake of protests, riots and arson stemming from the murder of George Floyd. As the liberal MSM like ABC, CNN, Wa Po maintained back then that those summer arrestees across the US were “mostly for misdemeanors.” And, the lib pundits argued, these overly zealous “peaceful demonstrators” essentially got a slap on the wrist aka walked without jail time because they kindly “pleaded guilty” aka threw themselves on the mercy of the liberal judges. Maybe. Reffitt did allegedly say something about wanting to drag House Speaker out of the Capitol by her ankles. Whatever. America’s criminal justice system is STILL BY EONS THE ENVY OF THE FREE WORLD.

Consider how the “pace of executions in Singapore has stirred debate over the death penalty” being meted out for even minor drug offenses. Since March, the WSJ notes, 8 prisoners have been duly hanged for drug trafficking under a “zero-tolerance approach to drug offenses.” Human rights advocates have taken notice & are wondering whether Singapore is giving new meaning to “zero tolerance”, since its drug laws now call for the death penalty for being caught with an ounce of heroin or a tad more than a pound of cannabis. Talk about dragging the law (or lawmaker) to new highs … or lows.

Davd Soul


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