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US Longevity Good News, Bad News Joke?

US life expectancy fell again as botched Covid responses & opioid overdoses took their toll? Meanwhile, Fauci retiring with WH gratitude, CDC botchers keep their jobs & Mexican drug cartels now run our border?

Now the CDC tells us our life expectancies tumbled nearly another full year during 2021 so that it now averages out to about 76.1 years. Do those 76ers owe a “Thanks” to the CDC for the extra month they’ve been assigned by the mandate happy agency that saw 108K Americans die of Covid last year, while a lockdown mentality it encouraged didn’t stop the Grim Reaper as advertised? The good news: “It was a smaller drop than in 2020 when life expectancy decreased 1.8 years.”

Yet, don’t blame just the Communists in China, whom NIAID director & presidential advisor Dr. Fauci still suggests wasn’t to blame for the Covid outbreak or the world’s frustratingly ineffective response to it. As the WSJ reports, “Two Mexican Drug Cartels … the Sinaloa and Jalisco organizations,” took over “America’s Fentanyl Supply” from the PRC sources that had been and is still killing thousands of US citizens, as in fact, it is “a leading cause of the US’s record overdoses.” Is that organizational “transition” supposed to be Good News? Or Worse News?

Davd Soul


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