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US Soccer Women Win $, Will FIFA Man Up?

Hallelujah! US Women’s & Men’s Soccer made history on its equal pay accord, but elephant in room remains the rest of the supposedly progressive world is NOT a part of the new US pooling arrangement. Chauvanists!?

But, first, back to the good news. The WOMEN soccer players, at least, on the international stage, were to many MORE interesting & fun to watch than the men. Championships will do that. Hence, as the WSJ pointed out, it was the World Cup-champion women’s team that led the long, grueling quest to achieve this equal pay labor agreement that will extend through 2028. Under the US Soccer Federation’s landmark collective-bargaining agreements with its men’s & women’s national teams, the teams’ pay will be aligned and prize money shared. It’s no small sacrifice made by the men who willingly came to the table & agreed to pooling their bigger past World Cup bonuses.

Back to that elephant. As the WSJ noted, while the new deal makes the US the first country to shoot for equal pay between the sexes, or genders or you know what … there remains a “disparity that is beyond the control of US Soccer: the gulf in prize money between what soccer’s global governing body, FIFA, awards for the men’s & women’s World Cup.” So, will FIFA now “man up” or “whatever up”?

Davd Soul


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