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Uvalde Cops Abused By Critics’ Hot Air?

Texas Sen Cornyn says blaming cops for staying outside the school as a gunman slew 19 kids inside is “destructive” & suggests critics, faced with such a “complex” drama, might not have done better with their pointed fingers. Dunno.

We’ve all read the many comments by law enforcement experts about the consensus “play book” on how to handle such active shooter situations in schools, especially the part about cutting the snake off at the head asap. But, does the Senator have a good point in saying: Today’s “second-guessing and finger pointing is destructive, distracting and unfair”?

Or, is the open criticism constructive, relevant and fair to try to understand what happened and should have happened so this tragedy never happens again, at least, not like this? Maybe it would help if the MSM & pols pulled back a bit, let the law enforcers sort this whole tragedy out, and we all weighed in with the cleared facts and clearer heads?

Davd Soul


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