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Viking Joe Says Castrating Boys Oky Doky?

Greg Gutfeld marveled how “Biden thinks kids can somehow consent to trans-surgeries.” It took Fla Gov DeSantis to remind Joe what trans surgeries do to some kids with graphic vid. Joe sniffing more’n girls hair now?

The Fox opinions show host was blunt in arguing “Americans are horrified at what’s being done to kids.” Well, not all Americans if you watched past episodes of “New Amsterdam” & psychiatrist “Iggy” assuring it’s the adult parents who don’t understand “my trans kids.” Nor is Gutfeld’s take accurate if you listened to Pres Biden criticize Florida’s approach to protecting parental as well as child rights in the trans era: “What’s going on in Florida is, as my mother would say, close to sinful. I mean, it’s just terrible what they’re doing. What, what are they thinking about? They’re human beings. They love. They have feelings. They have inclinations that are … I mean, it just to me … I don’t know … it’s cruel.”

First, Mr. President, I’ll bet the farm your Catholic mother would have washed your mouth out with Lifebuoy if she heard you utter such nonsense. But, Greg said it best: “So, it’s close to sinful what’s happening in Florida because in the dim recesses of Biden’s mind, it’s sinful to not irreversibly mutilate a confused child. Well, unless they’re in the womb. He actually wants to make it illegal to stand in the way of a surgeon castrating a little boy because he’s been convinced he’s actually a little girl by green-haired teachers with more piercings than a bait & tackle shop … He’s right about one thing though. Those children are human beings & that’s why so many Americans are so horrified about what’s being done to them. How is this a winning message for the Democrats in 2024? It’s not even a winning message for the Vikings in 700 AD.” Was that the year No. 46 was born, Greg, or just his awoken mentality’s baseline?

Davd Soul


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