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Vineyarders Rolling in Dough Roll Migrants

Martha’s Vineyarders rolling in dough & sleeping in king-sized beds are silent except to whine about lack of resources for 50 migrants bused from Florida, cart ‘em off to a military base. Buddy, can you spare a dime?

As Florida Senator Marco Rubio noted, the few migrants arriving at the filthy rich community are “a miniscule fraction of the problem” facing his state as well as those overrun Texas border towns. As Fox News noted, Massachuetts state records suggest the handful of migrants were “booted off the island” and sent to a military post on Cape Cod, even though “free cash in Edgartown’s budget alone could have funded a year’s worth of luxury hotel rooms” stocked high with comfortable bedding. Said Fox: “It would have cost only $9.1 million to give all 50 migrants their own room for an entire year at Edgartown’s swanky $500-per-night Harbor View Hotel.”

“We have a major housing crisis as it is,” countered one Rachel Hines, who works for the nonprofit Vineyard Preservation Trust. She also helps run an eatery called TigerHawk Sandwich Co that specialize in catering to “the elite of Boston, New York and DC” who “summer” on the island. However, Sweet Home Chicago’s Barack & Michelle Obama, are no doubt itching to open their MV vaca home to at least one or two of the visiting migrants.

Davd Soul


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