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Virginia’s DEI Is Dead, Long Live DEI!

Virginia’s NAACP calling for state’s new black anti-DEI DEI leader’s firing sounds like GOPers demanding the recall of all those Soros-backed anti-law & order DA’s that are helping to trigger new crime waves in the big cities …

As the WSJ op ed notes, “Democrats see a heretic in Gov. Younkin’s top diversity official” after he was appointed in a promised overhaul of the state’s “Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.” The progressive critics say this Martin Brown is a “heretic” by being openly against the very “mission” of the office, curiously echoing exactly what conservatives say about all those supposed prosecutors who aren’t prosecuting this, that or the other crime they feel are whatever. Like those radicalized DAs, Virginia’s new DEI head doesn’t mince words, saying recently at a VMI event “DEI is dead.” According to Mr. Brown, the school should be proud of “the greatest country in the world … that is already diverse, that has been inclusive … [The goal should be] … promoting that & then expanding it& tearing down tribalism & divisiveness.”

There’s more: “Making the discussion about outcomes rather than merit is the ‘wrong mission’ for the military college … Generally, when you are focusing on equity, you’re not pursuing merit or excellence or achievement.” A better way, he suggested is Gov. Youngkin’s philosophy of “civil discourse” and “living the Golden Rule.” Putting his money where his mouth is, Mr. Brown has rebranded the state’s DEI bureaucracy, emphasizing a commitment to equality & a level playing field, not equity & manufactured outcomes. Refreshing for one who takes pride in their work and abilities?

Davd Soul


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