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Vive Paris: Poor Pick Rich Accord Pockets of Trillions?

The WSJ reports how poor nations now demand trillions to strike a climate deal with the rich & it seems to lay to rest any doubt about the Paris Accord being “unrealistic” as critics insisted from the get go.

To be sure, the poor nations were always going to leverage the idea that the rich got rich on the back of fossil fuels so what’s in it for them not to do so as well? Oh, they were promised billions in aid by the US & EU negotiators to go along with clean energy development, but that sop alone is proving near impossible to meet for a variety of reasons. Moreover, somebody on the Obama-Kerry bribe, er, negotiating team also seem to have failed to educate the poor on the difference between the promised “billions” and now demanded “trillions” in aid as “the cost of buying cooperation.” When recently presented with the skyrocketing price tag, a stone-faced Mr. Kerry was said to be “silent” aka dumbfounded.

At the end of this month, negotiators from most every country will meet again in Glasgow, Scotland for a 2-week climate summit in an attempt to save the 2015 Paris Accord. “The goal,” said the WSJ, “is to strike a deal to keep the climate targets of the Paris agreement within reach.” But, wasn’t that done in 2015? And, how is Mr. Kerry going to do “that” now when Mr. Biden is begging the fracking industry to help bail him out of the gasoline shortage crisis and his incredible shrinking multi-trillion infrastructure spending spree is stalling in an increasingly skeptical Congress?

Davd Soul


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