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Voters To End Endless Trump Investigations?

Let voters not AG & FBI decide Trump’s fate suggests WSJ’s Henninger as Fox says raid on Mar-a-Lago after endless investigations by Dem allies in Congress shows THEY, not voters, want to make the call. So, Judge agrees to unseal part of lengthy FBI warrant affidavit supposedly justifying the raid ...

Both pundits were in agreement that Thursday’s hearing before a federal judge on whether to release to the public the FBI's search warrant as well as the contents of the documents seized would have “enormous consequences for democracy & our Republic.” Noted Fox’s Tom Del Beccaro: “Sadly, the world has seen America, once the land of the free, descend into a new realm with the DOJ & [its] FBI attempting to decide who can be president of our country – not unlike so many military coups throughout history.” In the same vein, if with less hyperbole, concluded WSJ’s Dan Henninger: “An already depressed US doesn’t need a replay of [Trump’s] first term’s endless investigations” that went “on and on” but resulted in nada. “The new narrative,” he sadly adds, “shares the old one’s almost daily insinuation that Mr. Trump did something awful” without any proof & actually based on mostly manufactured evidence” that, in the end, defy logic and common sense to anyone but a Never Trumper.

Curiously, DOJ fought Trump’s request to make public the 20 boxes of seized documents on the theory they “would compromise future investigative steps” … but, that suggests the raid could very well have been a fishing expedition to dig up some kind of evidence that would help prove a preconceived belief that Trump, not they, are the overreaching bad guy. As one cynical pundit wondered, could it be the DOJ wants to keep hidden documents helping Trump show THEY did something wrong? As Judge Reinhart heard the tired old arguments Thursday to keep the supposedly secret docs secret, maybe Henninger was right about letting the voters, not pols, MSM, bureaucrats or their lawyers decide?

Davd Soul


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