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WaPo’s No Go To Court Packing & Preferred Clown Act

So even progressive Washington Post concedes Dems’ plan to pack the Supreme Court would be an “historic mistake,” like turning the sacred Papacy into a crap game, in which turn around would be fair play. Yet, it wants term limits even worst Congress clowns don’t have to suffer …

Opined the wise editorial ones: “Some Democrats believe the solution is to pack the court with Democratic nominees, expanding its size, while they still have congressional majorities … This would be a historic mistake. It would sap the court’s legitimacy for no long-term benefit; Republicans could re-pack the court the next time they controlled Congress & the White House.”

Yet, the editors could not leave it at that and volunteered that a more logical reform would be to impose term limits of 18 years in a “staggered manner” so as to minimize the “stakes in the court appointment process” yet give each president a shot at filling vacancies. Never mind that Congress can’t stomach term limits for its own members; or, that today’s confirmation circus would thereby be baked into a pre-determined yet never-ending clown act?

Davd Soul


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