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War On Fossil Fuels Bombs As Pump, Heating Bills Soar

Our anti-fossil fuel POTUS was arguably full of gas aka hot air when he declared war on the industry after his inaugural & we saw a 50% spike in pump prices since. The result? Some Uber drivers, the WSJ noted, are turning down trips “longer than 10 miles” while Jane & John Doe motorist are “cutting back on driving.”

Noted the editors, “drivers are [now] paying an average of $3.40 a gallon for regular” while folks in some California cities are shelling out as much as $4.75 a gallon. (BTW: I was just in San Diego on a visit & paid $4.99 per gallon.) Yet, recall as the WSJ did, that at this time last year the price of gas was nearing $2 a gallon in some states. (BTW: Here in Falls Church Va just outside DC, I was paying as low as $2.60 per gallon during last year’s holiday season.)

Meanwhile, the WSJ reported in a separate article that “America’s Power Plants Are Low on Coal” so that “coal prices have [also] climbed to their highest level in more than a decade amid dwindling stockpiles.” The result? Home & business heating bills have often spiked in the double digits as Christmas nears. (BTW: I just got a 20% increase in my home’s monthly heating bill.) The result? Folks & entrepreneurs on tight budgets will have little choice but to push down the thermostat and wear their coats while watching tv or serving customers.

Davd Soul


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