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War On Jews Déjà vu All Over Again?

Let’s not quibble after Hamas tries to make good its annihilation of Israel threat & misguided souls in US & abroad “protest” its fight to survive. THIS GLOBAL DISPLAY OF ANTI-SEMITISM IS HOW HOLOCAUST BEGAIN IN NAZI GERMANY.

At least, the WSJ’s editorial board suggests as much in its op ed titled “The Global War on the Jews.” The editors can’t help but note the irony as “anti-Semitism surges, even in the West, which shows why Israel exists.” For now, that is. And, provided Western Civilization remembers why WW II was fought, then, Israel was created by the UN circa 1947. Opines the WSJ: “The disturbing fact of the past month is that Jews are under attack not only in Israel & not only by Hamas. “The Anti-Defamation League tracking anti-Semitic events says they are up nearly 400% since Hamas’s cowardly invasion.

At the heart of the subsequent broader PR hate campaign, the editors say, is this: “The Islamist group & its Western enablers are pursuing or justifying a genocidal war against Jews, not merely a territorial dispute with Israel … This global war on Jews also clarifies what is at stake for Western societies … [and] how that slide [into abuse of Jews] began. Before there was a Chancellor Hitler in 1933, there were roving bands of Brownshirts inflicting political & anti-Semitic violence on the streets of Germany. They too often went unchecked by police, prosecutors & politicians who didn’t understand the menace, sympathized with the offenders, or merely felt overwhelmed by the scale of the danger. Hitler gained power” because the German state no longer pretended to defend itself & its democratic values, let alone human decency toward its Jewish neighbors. Sound familiar? Could history repeat itself yet again?

Davd Soul


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