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Was Joe On Phone With Gangsta Son?

Whistleblower claiming Hunter had “father” in room during strong arming phone call with Chinese businessman may be epic smoking gun that smokes Joe or just more pothead son blowing smoke. BUT if DOJ, Dems & MSM ignore this doozy …

As the WSJ editors teed up the transcript of testimony to be given to the House Ways & Means Cte: “We’ve heard enough whistleblower tales over the years to be skeptical about claims that can be exploited by partisans … [but the] details [now seen] are shocking if true because they charge political interference & favorable prosecutorial treatment in the IRS probe of Hunter Biden.” You'll recall it resulted in a sweet heart plea deal from DOJ with likely no jail time in return for pleading guilty to misdemeanor “failure” to pay taxes charges. IRS investigative supervisor “Gary Shapley [a 14-yr vet] claims his unit recommended serious felony charges based partly on what he describes as a scheme to hide payments from Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company that hired Hunter” as a board member. But, he says DOJ hindered their probe of the president’s son, I.e., “blocked search warrants, [gave] tip-offs to Biden’s team, [&] squelched avenues of investigation.”

Mr. Shapley says his team was also disturbed by a 2017 WhatsApp message from Hunter to a Chinese businessman in which he allegedly writes, “I am sitting here with my father & we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled … I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me … & my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction.” At the time, Joe Biden was ex-VP & possible POTUS candidate & denies ever talking to son about “business.” As WSJ columnist Kim Strassel notes in a separate op ed, however, a 2d albeit anonymous IRS investigator backs up Shapley’s story. As a result, Kim calls Hunter’s plea deal “a joke.” AG Garland wasn’t laughing when he denied the claims Friday. But, what if WhatsApp is what DOJ’s investigaton should have been all about?

Davd Soul


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