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Watching Trump’s Back: Pelosi’s Coronaviruscare Ploy Another Hoax Patriots Reject

“I would rather be wrong with Christ than right”… with atheists, once said the 19th Century author Fyodor Dostoevsky. In today’s identity charged politics, might one add today, “we’d rather be wrong with Trump than right with Pelosi”?

Just happened to be You Tube surfing during the government-induced economic coma thanks to the coronavirus crisis. Discovered that way back in 1956 Bishop Fulton Sheen had warned about totalitarian governments. In doing so, he also said “beware of the “Faux liberals” among us who talk in altruistic terms, but invariably suppress “individuality in the name of equality”… it’s a “power” grab that comes straight out of hell, not Jesus’ Heaven. The Bishop, of course, was speaking in the context of the then-Cold War and threat from Communist Russia, still a few years away from being exposed as the social and economic bust it really was. But, consider the Marxist philosophy of today’s left leaning DNC as seen in its Open Borders, Green New Deal and Universal Income platform. Then, think of the “prayerful” House Speaker Pelosi’s opportunistic push to enact at least parts of these socialistic notions in what might be called “Coronaviruscare.”

Does it take a crisis in 2020 to expose a 1917 Lenin’s true end game? It would seem so. Oh, not that pro-abortionist Pelosi is bright enough to know what she’s doing to America in the current pandemic by dividing it along party lines & via class warfare tactics. After all, she’s been doing it since Mr. Trump took office & she’s failed at every turn to overturn the 2016 election. Now, she wants to follow up her Russia Hoax and Ukranian Fiasco by launching a virus response “investigation.” Beware, too, Ms. Pelosi’s expected “Phase IV Economic Pork, er, Relief Bill”. But, make no mistake. Real patriots have been and will continue to be watching the nation’s back.

Davd Soul


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