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Watergate/Dem Scandals Two-Timers?

Dunno. Gingrich says “it will soon become clear the Biden-Garland establishment system has engaged in criminality that makes Watergate look like kindergarten.” Yet, hasn’t the DC Swamp rot been known for decades?

And, don’t expect much of the MSM to even report on the “Durham report & the work of the House Republican hearings,” that Mr. Gingrich suggests in writing his Fox op ed, will show once & for all that the “current scandals in the Biden White House – and senior bureaucracies at the Justice Dept, IRS & elsewhere – are much deeper & more cancerous than Watergate ever was.”

As Newt recalls, “It may be hard to remember, but Watergate came about due to a weird, dumb & fairly narrow set of criminal behaviors which mushroomed into 69 officials being indicted & 48 imprisoned.” True. But, as we all now know, the MSM EXPOSED and didn’t try to COVER THE GOP SCANDAL UP led by Nixon while it now largely turns a blind eye or, worse, is busy making excuses for, the DEMOCRATIC-BIDEN-OBAMA-CLINTON-LED SCANDAL.

Davd Soul


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