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West’s Delusions Feeding Dependency On Russia, China?

“Green delusions” of Western countries have been blamed for empowering Putin’s energy advantage in Europe. But, couldn’t similar dangers be triggered by the West’s self-inflicted dependence on Communist China’s meds & rare earth minerals?

Author Michael Shellenberger makes the former case in a Substack post: “As the West fell into a hypnotic trance about healing its relationship with nature, averting climate apocalypse & worshiping a teenager named Greta, Vladimir Putin made his moves [in Ukraine].” Instead of gaining energy independence WHILE fighting global warming, the EU, e.g., shut down its nuclear energy production & begged Russia to provide it with 47% of natural gas it needed. A similar dependency evolved with Russian oil. Ditto for President Biden’s “War on Fossil Fuels” here in America. “The result,” concluded Shellenberger, “has been the worst global energy crisis since 1973, driving prices for electricity & gasoline higher around the world. It is a crisis, fundamentally, of inadequate supply. But the scarcity is entirely manufactured.”

Doesn’t this argument sound familiar? That is, in warnings … by Trump & other independent pols & pundits … over America’s one-sided dependence on PRC companies providing us the lion’s share of our meds, especially opioids, and rare earth minerals needed for electric & hybrid car batteries, advanced ceramics, computers, DVD players, wind turbines, oil refinery catalysts, monitors, tvs, lasers, fiber optics, superconductors, etc?

Davd Soul


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