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West’s Love 4 Globalization An Ugly Trojan Horse?

WSJ’s Seib might be right in suggesting “Russia May Disprove Theory That Globalization Prevents War” yet we already knew from fellow belligerents like China, North Korea & Iran the Big “G” can be a Trojan Horse. Hello, Dr. Strangelove or How I Came to Love the Bomb is still the real deterrent deal?

As Mr. Seib worried: “Vladimir Putin may be betting the West isn’t willing to pay the economic price to prevent a Russian move on Ukraine in an increasingly interconnected world,” even though “economic globalization was supposed to make wars harder to start.”

Consider China’s President Xi who wages geo-political, technological & trade war the likes of which was once patented by the Romans, then, the Spanish, then, the British. Consider, too, the supposed “fruits” of globalization were supposed to deter Kim Jung Un or the Ayatollah from advancing their nuclear programs, yet they are both on the verge of becoming nuclear powers.

Recall how the nuclear bomb, not globalization, was considered the key to “ending all wars”? What if, the new calculus is mistaken?

Davd Soul


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