What A Feelin! Independence From Garbage Disposals
My Declaration of Independence from the tyranny of garbage disposals (as well as trashy news receptacles) came in the midst of renovating our kitchen. The epiphany was almost a revelation, a blinding light straight out of the Bible. As if I were Michelangelo in ‘Agony & the Ecstasy’ telling Pope Julius about the need to undo a false start on the Sistene Chapel: “If the wine is sour, throw it out!”
Yes, I know many lazy a folk would rather give up a private body part than give up their disposal unit. But, I suddenly realized in talking to my contractor that the noisy, smelling things are seldom used really & are another piece of unnecessary machinery that will inevitably swallow the money in your wallet. The plumber’s estimated reconstruction bill to squeeze my expensive & powerful disposal under a stainless steel mega-DEEP sink helped persuade me, too.
As it turns out, we’ rather give up a private body part than give up that ultra-modern sink equipped with hose, cutting board & vegetable drainer as well as a state of the art, adjustable drain catcher. Garbage disposals, eat your artichoke hearts out. What a feeling! Like Jennifer Beals must have felt hopping around in “Flash Dance”.
Davd Soul
