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What Do Depressed 20 Somethings Fight For?

A study suggests “depression & anxiety” may impact young adults twice as much as teens? Maybe it has something to do with getting real jobs & monthly bills that fawning parents don’t pay. Also tough to realize life ain’t always about YOU …

What a shock. Experts tell Fox News young adults are struggling with a lack of “meaning & purpose.” According to a new report from Harvard Graduate School of Education, about 35% of young adults interviewed said they really have a tough time dealing with anxiety compared to 18% of teens who presumably are still living the Life of Riley on Mom & Dad’s dime. And, oh, regarding depression, 29% of young adults said they experienced it, compared to 15% of teens. The usual whipping boys are mentioned: Isolation & loneliness now that an American Pie dream world is in the past. Meany bosses who won’t listen to their genius or immediately give them the keys to the executive washroom. Consulting with creepy social media. Listening to even creepier news from MSM, especially involving wars, political corruption, gun violence, pandemics & climate change. Concluded a lead author of the study: “They feel like the world is falling apart.”

Another shock: Strategies for improvement from the authors include “placing greater emphasis on fostering relationships, volunteering, caring for others & joining clubs or causes,” that is, those that don’t devolve into radicalization by dimwitted fanatical advocacy groups. Said the study author: “What’s really therapeutic is helping others – and we should be engaging young people in the service & care for other people.” Sounds like something that should begin at home or, at a university like Notre Dame that asks, “What Would You Fight For”?

Davd Soul


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