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What If Faux Fauci Advice Just Stunk?

To be fair to Dr. Fauci, Rep Taylor went for the home run in latest testimony but popped out in calling for his Covid scalp as a “War Criminal.” But to be fair to the millions suffering under Faux’s ever-obtuse “leadership” he WAS incompetent..


Yet, few – in MSM, Congressmen & women, academics, social media medical amateurs – has suggested the idea Dr. Fauci was, is & will go down in history as a lousy doctor who contributed to if not cost untold misery in the USA. Fox news anchor Laura Ingraham came close by recently saying “the US will be paying for the ‘Fauci effect’ for a generation, perhaps more.” But, she goes on to detail how “we gave too much power to a power-hungry [& money grubbing] bureaucrat with fancy titles who almost entirely abandoned true scientific principles, the Constitution & common sense.”


Aha! Could that last dig by Laura about Fauci lacking “common sense” come closest to the truth? Not that the former director of the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases as well as front-n-center presidential, Congressional, MSM guru didn’t show himself to be a power-hungry bureaucrat with fancy titling whom the progressive media trooped out time & again to “suggestively” undercut nearly everything the Trump Administration was desperately doing to cut through the medical Swamp’s usual red tape to save lives. But, any commoner following the too clever man’s wiffle-waffling yet influential “insights” & “recommendations” on his endless media appearances might easily come to the conclusion Fauci simply stunk as a doctor: A bat is believed by many to have caused Covid, not a Commie lab funded indirectly by you know who. Masking works, doesn’t work, yet they do help. Not his job to say kids do, don’t need them. Developing vaccines in Trump’s “Warp Speed” timeline was questionable, then, fortunate (when they worked, didn’t entirely work). Six feet rule is “essential” to stemming Covid transmission unless, you are maskless Fauci throwing out first pitch at televised MLB game in empty stadium. Conclusion here: A hospital’s toxic waste can smells better.


Davd Soul


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