What If Trump’s American Exceptionalism Is Replaced With Obama’s Self-Hatred?
“What” and “if” are two harmless words alone, but can be devastating when put together. The premise was posed in the decades old movie “Letters to Juliet”, in which an ambitious young American woman stuck in a “fact checker” post aspires to become a writer. While on vacation with her self-absorbed fiancé in Italy, she finds an unanswered “letter to Shakespeare’s Juliet”, one of thousands of notes left below the fictional lover’s Verona courtyard balcony. As it turns out, each & every lovelorn missive is answered by “Secretaries of Juliet.” And, her involvement in this small group of dedicated ladies transforms her “what if” life by improbably helping that other woman as well as herself find their one true loves.
Rewatching ‘Juliet’ yesterday, it struck me how relevant its “what if” premise might be today. For instance, “what if” Biden and Bernie’s promised socialist “transformation” of America actually comes to pass? It’s a shuddering thought because of the likely devastating consequences of a Big Government takeover: An already intolerably high tax burden doubling or tripling; more endless wars; an already unaffordable health care system worsening for all; reopened borders that overwhelm our overwhelmed benefits system; millions more subsidized Forgotten Folks to survive another day yet stuck in generational poverty; never ending inner city violence, & endless promises of “free” stuff?
My “what if” letter to our Covid-stricken President Trump left outside his White House fence & overlooking his portico would say this: “God bless you & get well quickly. Improbable as your election was, it helped us recall…& gave us a shot at living up to…our Exceptional American Past. Thank God for that, too. And, God forbid “what” would happen to His Last Best Hope of Earth “if” we returned to the Obama Era’s self-flagellation, cancel culture & political correctness run amok.
Davd Soul
