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What’s In A HHS Bong Or Pipe If Not Taxpayer Dough?

Washington Free Beacon reports HHS has a plan to prioritize grant applicants for free crack pipes to be distributed in “underserved communities” as defined in a Biden “racial equity” EO. The red-faced agency called the report “blatant disinformation”. Yet, Sen. John Kennedy says it got caught red-handed taking "30M from their emergency COVID bill" in belief they can make crack & meth smoking "safer".

A disbelieving Senator Blackburn also wrote to HHS Sec. Becerra: “Government-funded drug paraphernalia is a slap in the face to the communities and first responders fighting against drugs flowing into our country from a wide-open southern border … If this is the president’s plan to address drug abuse, our nation is in serious trouble.”

Mr. Becerra subsequently insisted no such plan existed, despite his staff's admission it does. Regardless, HHS officials also reminded “The Harm Reduction Grant offered by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is a grant program designed to help Americans who are struggling with substance use stay healthy and safe, prevent overdose death and find pathways into evidence-based treatments.” So much Blah, blah, blah, countered Sen. Kennedy. "I say there's no way to make smoking crack cocaine or meth safer. It's like trying to put a filter on a cigarette. They ought to take this $30M, which they said would be used for COVID, they ought to use it to secure the border to stop the drugs coming in. They ought to use it to get these folks into addiction programs, and they ought to talk straight to the American people and explain, 'Look, you're right, we got caught trying to help people make it easier for people to smoke crack. And it was a dumb thing to do and we reversed course.”

Davd Soul


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