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What the Fock Stiller On Putin Stop List?

First Ben Stiller ran afoul of CIA nut job De Niro in “Meet the Parents,” now he’s banned from Russia as 1 of 1,037 pols & entertainers making Putin’s ever-expanding “Stop List.” What the Focker? Sean Penn, ok, but …

Fox reports that Russia’s Foreign Ministry has now added not only those two punk actors to its blacklist, but 6 more US senators, as that country’s invasion of Ukraine nears the 200-day mark. The newest honorees include US Sec of Commerce Gina Raimondo and Senators Mark Kelly, Kevin Cramer, Michael Rounds, Kyrsten Sinema, Rick Scott and Pat Toomey.

Explained Rebekah Koffler, a former DIA intelligence officer & author of “Putin’s Playbook: Russia’s Secret Plan to Defeat America”: “This is diplomatic warfare with the targets being government officials, business executives and high-profile individuals rather than military installations and weapons being economic sanctions, and travel restrictions rather than bombs and missiles.” I see. A Penn and Stiller beatdown is just what Putin needs to been Biden? Any wonder things not going so swell for Russia in Ukraine?

Davd Soul


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