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White Supremacy Bullies Get Black Eye

Perhaps CRT’s “white supremacy” canard is best seen in media propaganda that CHRISTIANITY is all about white lies, i.e., when you consider black, Hispanic & Asian brethren are as Christian fanatic & the Nazarene was no Swede.

Yet, how tiresome are all the planted missives about Christians who, fanatically practice God’s love, are supposedly out to get this, that & the other whatever. As if, their truth, right or wrong, can somehow magically turn this, that & the other into a pumpkin. Ever hear the “Old English” expression “sticks & stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”? Or, Jesus’ admonition about the “loving one another” Commandment not being any less greater than the Commandment to love God Himself?

It's time we chop down walls artificially build up between us and, yes, that includes the ant-Christian crowd practicing what Christians preach?

Davd Soul


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