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Whitehouse Whitewashes Dems’ Conflicts?

Sheldon Whitehouse was a proponent of the infamous Russia collusion scandal yet becoming famous for whitewashing the White House scandal AND lecturing US Supremes on alleged ethical lapses HE appears guilty of.

As the WSJ op ed suggested, Democrats haven’t been able to stack the Supreme Court so it alters the constitution to meet their political agenda they can’t ram though Congress. So, led by the Rhode Island Senator, they’ve introduced their annual judicial “ethics” bill on the curious ground the High Court is “captured by special interests.” Per the editors: “At the Judiciary Cte ... Mr. Whitehouse brought up ‘freebie vacations,’ as expected. But he also criticized the Justices for receiving friend-of-the-court briefs for what he called “flotillas of coordinated front group ‘amici’ – meaning think tanks & other groups that have the nerve to speak their minds on pending cases,” thereby trying to “influence” the law. “Ahem,” they continued, "it’s called debate in a free society AND flotillas of leftist front groups" do the exact same thing ad naseum.

But, the biggest hypocrisy was Whitehouse’s attack on Justice Clarence Thomas & his wife who is a conservative activist whom he hinted may have been involved in the Jan. 6 riot. He advised the Justices to “make that factual determination.” As the WSJ says, this is another “partisan attack on Justice Thomas but it’s especially odd coming from Whitehouse,” whose wife, Sandra, works on environmental issues with special interest groups & bills HE has supported. Maybe ask the Senator if it’s ok for the Justices to determine whether any pay-offs were made in the process? As the editors conclude, the Court ethics reform (passed 11-10 along party lines) “won’t go anywhere & it shouldn’t … but that was never the goal. The spectacle was another platform for Democrats to cast doubt on the integrity of the Justices.”

Davd Soul


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