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WHO’d Thunk China’s Wuhan Virus Recipe Won(ting)

Even CBS 60 Minutes’ die hard lib, Leslie Stahl, sounded more like Donald Trump in questioning China’s “Bat Man” version of Covid origins on Sunday’s show. It comes on the heels of the highly criticized WHO “Hear No Evil, See No Evil” inquiry into the Covid outbreak.

As Fox News noted, Jamie Metzl, who served in the National Security Council during the Clinton Administration, told a frowning Stahl “the WHO’s investigation in Wuhan should be referred to as a ‘highly chaperoned, highly curated study tour.’” Translated, the WHO’s “report” exonerating the Communists’ lab of horrors & blaming the virus on a bats to humans linkage can’t be verified because it has more limp ingredients in it than a bowl of wonton soup.

As Fox noted, there are still multiple theories on how the Covid-19 virus was unleashed on the world. And while the Chinese Communists & its alleged mouthpiece, World Health Organization, insist it’s “highly likely” the virus came from a nearby dirty farm with infected bats rather than via a nearby virus lab, former head of the CDC, Dr. Robert Redfield, says he still believes the virus “escaped that lab.” The point driven home by Mr. Metzl on 60 Minutes was that we may never know the truth unless China comes clean & allows unfettered access to EVERYTHING it has access to. That is, assuming the Communists haven’t already destroyed key evidence ala a chef who leaves out a key ingredient to his recipe so the competition can’t reproduce the wonton he’s famous for.

Davd Soul


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