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Who Gives 1 S*** 4 Pregnant Men Q?

MSM atwitter over Hawley & Berkeley Law Prof debating men’s ability to be “pregnant” & naysayers advocating “violence” ignores reality most folks struggling with tanking economy DO NOT GIVE 1 S*** either way.

To overly summarize: Left-wing pubs insist the Senator got “schooled” and lib WaPo says the Senator “refused to admit” during the “viral” exchange during a congressional hearing that “some transgender men can get pregnant.” Conservative pubs insist Hawley clocked the Angela Davis stand in and the Senator himself says Americans got a lesson in how radical progressives like this prof always fall back on the “violence against victims” card whenever they can’t win an argument.

BTW: Not that anyone knows how many transgender men have given birth here in the USA … and the shocking LACK of INTEREST IN FINDING OUT THE NUMBER SPEAKS VOLUMES. As Fox News noted recently, “The federal government & elected leaders have ushered in inclusive language such as “birthing person” as opposed to “pregnant woman” or “mother” in recent years, but THERE IS [STILL] NO DATA [from ANY source] showing how many individuals who identify as transgender [actually] give birth in the US on a yearly basis.” Apparently, Fox noted, Australia is one (if not the only) country tracking transgender pregnancies & “recorded 22 during the 2018-19 year out of 35,000 births that year.

Davd Soul


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