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Who Now Denies Covid Gloves Fit China?

Henninger says “China Remains World’s Pandemic Risk.” He suggests Covid origin naturalists now insisting “it doesn’t matter how the pandemic started are batty “because such [future] outbreaks [can’t] be stopped before they start.”

Opines the WSJ columnist: “Oh, good grief, whether Covid-19 emerged naturally [no thanks to rabid bats served as dinner guests in Wuhan] or from a laboratory leak [from an infamous, US-subsidized virus house of horrors] is not ‘beside the point’ as even some scientists now argue. This comes as another US intelligence agency – connected with the national labs run by the Energy Department – has joined the FBI in judging a lab leak to be the most likely source of the outbreak.”

True, Henninger concedes, “Covid’s emergence remains so shrouded in mystery we can’t know what lessons it teaches until we know the mechanism.” Of course, he notes, Communist China still refuses to share its data while throwing roadblocks on any & all efforts to get at it. Still, Henninger adds: “But how Covid first infected a human being is probably the single most important question for preventing future pandemics given the difficulty of stopping a new respiratory virus once it’s spreading.” And, Henninger warns those PRC apologists: “To say the origin question is of debatable or secondary interest, as some now do, smacks of the original impulse to suppress the lab leak debate for partisan or ideological reasons.” Now exactly WHO besides the PRC & research subsidizer Dr. Fauci would do such a thing, Dan?

Davd Soul


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