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Who’s Scamming Who In Biden Bribe Scam?

It's getting old but FBI’s stonewalling Congress over Hunter laptop whistleblower’s claim of a VP Biden bribe, saying now it’s based on “hearsay,” reminds of FBI claim laptop itself was Russian hearsay. Oh, say can FBI ever see?

William McGurn’s WSJ op ed “Hunter’s Laptop All Over Again” is blunt in pointing out the Swamp’s now familiar refrain: “The House Oversight Committee seeks an FBI document alleging Joe Biden took a [$5 million] bribe & the effort to discredit the claim is already under way … Until last week, the FBI wouldn’t even concede the document existed. Nevertheless … an FBI team dispatched by Director Christopher Wray made its way up to Capitol Hill in hopes [Cte Chair] Rep Comer would be satisfied with a look-see. He wasn’t.” In fact, Comer announced that SINCE THE DOCUMENT DOES EXIST BECAUSE WE SAW IT, he reiterated he still plans to hold Wray in contempt unless he turns over the document that purports to show a ”trusted FBI source” had accused Biden of bribery. And, btw, Comer’s “investigation” will continue with or without FBI cooperation.

Meanwhile, Biden media allies have been busy painting Comer “as a partisan rube chasing conspiracies,” that is, when THEY cover the story at all. “The first salvo,” noted McGurn, “came from [what else?] CNN quoting ‘people briefed on the matter” echoing the FBI’s talking point the document was old, a grain of sand in a “tranche of documents that Rudy Giuliani provided to Justice in 2020,” so take the FBI’s word that “there’s no there, there.” Much like the FBI & left-leaning media insisted the Hunter Biden laptop itself was a scam. Is it still true the “scammer is easiest to scam”?

Davd Soul


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