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Whoopi Replays Odious Holocaust Dump

Whoops! Whoopi is again found wanting in cerebral dept as she reiterates iconic if historically nonsensical canard “Holocaust has nothing to do with racism” … showing how some who profess to denounce racism practice it.

Fox News ran with the Jewish community’s reaction to Ms. Goldberg’s repeating her “incendiary” remarks that had once gotten her suspended from ABC’s “The View”. This time, we’re told, she showed “little remorse” over that incident during an interview with UK’s The Sunday Times and doubled down in arguing “the estimated 6 million Jews who were systematically killed in the Holocaust were not targeted based on their race.” Whoopi insisted she was just trying to make it clear that white skinned Jews had an “easier time hiding” in plain view while “you could find me.” She quipped: “But you would have thought that I’d taken a big old stinky dump on the table, butt naked.” No s***?

Jewish activists and influential community members again “demanded” the no longer so funny comedian-turned self-professed Herodotus be terminated from the networks crappy show that pretends to deal responsibly with issues of our times. “She hasn’t learned a thing,” one critic noted. But, you know, canceling out the talking tv pin cushion … who took on a Jewish sounding name for some reason … would only repeat the wrong-headed tactic practiced so often by you know who. And, two wrongs never make a right. Right? The more you know who talks, the more we know what she really is.

Davd Soul


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