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Why Did Butt ‘Mislead’ Nation? Beeping Lies Work?

Andy Kessler’s op ed, “Don’t Think, Just Bleep” did more than satirize a new app by that name, one promising to “filter out hate, aggression & name calling”. It’s obvious now that Fox News’ Chris Wallace could have used a similar app that ALSO calls out “lying” by politicians. Especially when he interviewed Transportation Sec. Pete Buttegieggieg on his Sunday news show & who grossly exaggerated the Administration’s stimulus job creation claims. The Butt had earlier said on NBC’s Meet the Press that President Biden’s $2.25T infrastructure spending plan would create 19 MILLION more jobs, but an incredulous Wallace asked, “Why mislead people,” since he and other Biden officials know it couldn’t be true. The Butt tried to spin the spin by saying, “I should have been more precise” in pretending the infrastructure bill would create “2.7 million more jobs” than if it were not a figment of his imagination.

Here’s how a tweaked “Beep” would have worked for Wallace and, could ultimately, replace the liberal-dominated MSM’s “fact checkers” in REAL TIME:

Wallace: “Do you agree that there’s a big difference between 2 million new jobs and 19 million?”

Butt: “I think it’s very important for Americans to know ‘BEEP’ jobs ‘BEEP’ created.”

Wallace: “Would you agree that you & other Biden administration officials have exaggerated the [infrastructure plan’s] jobs impact?”

Butt: “It’s part of a scenario that ‘BEEP’ says will create ‘BEEP’ jobs, but the bottom line is it’s going to ‘BEEP’ jobs & this is a ‘BEEP’ refutation of people who are saying otherwise.”

Translation: Freakin' Lyin' works?

Davd Soul


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