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Why Did Parents Let Their Lambs Be Led To Mandates?

The WSJ opines “School Reopening Mess Drives Frustrated Parents Toward GOP,” but real wonder is how parents let the teachers’ unions & radical left hi-jack their public schools with Covid scare tactics & CRT canards.

The editors note, “Covid restrictions are weighing heavily for Democratic voters who [finally] say party leaders left mandates in place too long, with devastating consequences for their kids.” Yet, only a blind mom or dad could not see the “mess” coming from the get-go, as union-fed, Dem-led mandates in the schools (as well as society-wide) supposedly based on “science” were largely debunked by their own “science.” In my Sweet Home Fairfax County, Va., the parents were like “lambs being led to the slaughter” by a woke school board that jumped on Dr. Fauci’s national Covid scare bandwagon, saw few were objecting to its radical “remote schooling” mandate, and used nonsensical CRT talking points to shut down anyone who did.

Ironically, it’s the minority kids who suffered and continue to suffer most as the inner-city parents had/have the least time, fewest resources to monitor their kids’ LACK OF EDUCATION during the day. At least in Fairfax County & Virginia itself, the radicals were eventually rejected in a stunning upset last election, so much so, that a GOP governor was elected in the blue state. Other local elections are suggesting the trend really is going nation-wide. But, then, one remembers how cowardly the lambs were led to the Covid slaughter and wonders if the new found parental disgust is enough to bring real, broad-based change. It’s not just about politics or raw power, but common sense. Do our parents have it in them?

Davd Soul


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