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Why, Joe, Was Zawahiri In Afghanistan?

While many laud drone strike killing al Qaeda’s Ayman al Zawahiri, bigger issue may be WHAT THE HELL WAS HE DOING IN TALIBAN AFGHANISTAN when Joe assured during botched evac it was being cleared of terrorists?

As Fox News reminds a President Biden who took a victory lap for the CIA hit on one of the FBI’s most wanted in connection with 9/11 and other assaults on Americans, “some had predicted after America’s hasty withdrawal last year that al Qaeda would return to” Afghanistan and use it again as a base for more terrorist operations. “What unnerves me is that Al Zawahri felt comfortable enough being out in the open in the Kabul area after the Taliban takeover,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham. “So much for the Taliban rejecting al Qaeda. This is proof positive that Afghanistan has once again become a safe haven for international terrorists.”

So, the Taliban & al Qaeda are buds again? “There’s no doubt that they’ve been brothers,” said retired 4-Star Gen. Jack Keane. “It’s not surprising that Zawahri returned to his family in Kabul, in fact, the house that he was in belonged to an aide to a senior Taliban official.” Note, the 71-yr-old Zawahri is THE al Qaeda leader since the death of bin Laden in July 2011. So, is it also not surprising Joe was eager to do something big to sweeten the stench of his Afghan withdrawal? Yet, opined Fox’s Tucker, “If you’re Joe Biden … it takes a lot of brass to brag about Afghanistan or even mention the word”, thereby drawing renewed attention to you know what. ” BTW: Who trashed Trump for taking out Soleimani?

Davd Soul


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