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Why Would Joe Go To Ukraine To Make It Worse?

WH flak Psaki again assured “we’re not sending Biden to the Ukraine” & insisted we should be "happy" Joe's tucked away in his safe bunker. For once most will agree with No. 46’s mouthpiece that Mr. Gaffe’d only embarrass himself & nation anyway. For some reason, Pres Zelensky ignored the snub & invited Joe yet again to come see him in the Russian rubble.

Mr. Z surely can’t think the slow talkin’ slow walkin’ Mr. Biden would present a bold image for his desperate citizens to see (as did his UK & Irish counterparts). He again told reporters “THEY” won’t let me go there as if anyone knows exactly who THEY are. An ice cream photo op his handlers arranged while on the way to a staged presser might work during a USA campaign stop, but wouldn’t put a dent in Putin’s military hardware, even if accompanied by more ineffective threats.

As one pundit asked, “Why does Zelensky have to beg” for Biden’s military help? By now it’s clear, he doesn’t have a “plan” other than to do nothing and fears doing something will only make matters worse … after all, he’s been doing nothing to stop the US-Mexican border crisis & when he finally did something it was to stop the deporting of even the few undocumented people caught sneaking into the country, thereby MAKING THINGS WORSE.

Davd Soul


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