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Will Beefier IRS Tax Biden Got Rocks Or Middle Class?

WSJ editors argue in “Biden’s Stimulus for the IRS” “more auditors & audits won’t yield much new revenue.” And, they’re right to think the supposedly targeted “rich” people can afford the usual army of lawyers & accountants to make Joe’s IRS agents look bad.

Yet, Joe and his handlers presumably know this since he and his family have somehow been piling up fortunes on, what, a “public servant’s salary”? The biggest reason our POTUS now wants to “revitalize” the IRS audit system? Patronage? Campaign volunteers? “Voluntary” donors? The D.C. Swamp is full of them. But, never hurts to add more alligators, huh?

But, back to the WSJ, which concedes “no doubt tax avoiders exist”, but “a lot less money is likely to be found under the sofa cushions than Mr. Biden and progressives think.” According to the editors, the statistics cited by the president are “outdated.” Another concern is that the most likely thing a beefed up IRS will do is go back to “targeting” conservative non-profits ala The Barama years. Not that a vigilant IRS can’t be a good thing so long as politics are kept out of it. But, when has that ever happened? I’m thinking the poor schleps in the Middle Class caught in Joe’s IRS audit nightmare scenario would be the biggest losers here. Always are...

Davd Soul


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