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Will Biden’s Root Causes Plan End Border Crisis by 2525?

As President Biden worries over Russia’s abuse of Ukraine’s border, we now learn 220K illegal immigrants evaded the US Border Patrol since October alone. Is Joe’s “root causes” plan the solution to the problem or its cause? As Mr. Trump & anyone with logic have insisted, “borders matter” since without them neither we nor Ukrainians have a country.

True, the invasion of USA’s southern border isn’t as swift as Putin’s into east Ukraine; yet, the Russkies are using less than 220K soldiers to get their job done. And, our illegal crossings don’t seem to have an end in sight as Mr. Biden apparently fights hard to either ignore it or adopt that “long view” approach.

Note, as a Border Patrol spokesman explained to Fox News, the approximately 220K know “gotaways” are those “who get past Border Patrol when coming across the border … [and] … that number is separate from encounters, in which BP has either caught the migrant or the migrant has turned themselves in,” presumably to claim asylum or some other right. Meanwhile, “the Biden Administration has stuck fast to its strategy of targeting ‘root causes’ in Central America, while opening up asylum pathways.” In other words, the “problem” might be solved by Year 2525 as described in that 1969 hit song of that title by Zager & Evans.

Davd Soul


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