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Will Border’s Humanitarian Crisis Wake Joe?

As migrant encounters at southern border hit new record in May & numbers keep rising, a new report calls out Biden policies encouraging illegal immigration & creating a “Humanitarian Catastrophe.”

So, what else is new as the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Republicans yet again beg No. 46 to “take specific action to stop” the border chaos? The report obtained by Fox News comes on the heels of the latest stats published by the US Customs & Border Protection Agency noting 239,416 migrant encounters in May alone.

The report’s recommendations to Mr. Biden include supporting, not opposing Trump’s Title 42 & stay in Mexico policies, and directly shutting down so-called transnational criminal organizations that profit form smuggling drugs and humans across the southern border, essentially, unopposed. Working more closely and effectively with Mexico and Central American countries to improve their own security and migration management is also recommended. Yet, doesn’t Joe already know all this and has done little, if anything, along these lines?

Davd Soul


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