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Will Fightin’ Joe Ever Give Little Guy A Fightin’ Chance?

Our President’s aging mindset comes into “old school liberal” focus in the WSJ’s “Joe Biden, 20th Century Trustbuster.” So, POTUS first pushes bigger & more expensive cradle to grave government ala the mythical Great Society, then, pretends to savage the military industrial complex with yet another Executive Order fantasizing over an instant end to all monopolies?

As noted by the editorial board: “In the early 1900s, Teddy Roosevelt’s Administration broke up the trusts controlling the economy – Standard Oil, JP Morgan’s railroads, and others – giving the little guy a fighting chance,” Mr. Biden’s EO explains. Yet, the president “now wants to use regulation to break up Big Tech, finance, agriculture and healthcare companies, among others.”

Is it strange that Joe never talks about Big Government’s increasing monopoly over our lives and “never giving us little guys a fighting chance”?

Davd Soul


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