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Will Gates’ New Climate Change Book Disclose ALL $?

The WSJ says “Bill Gates Has a Master Plan for Battling Climate Change.” But, is the master’s master plan honest about ALL the costs in his “conversion” timetable? Or, about the rest of the world’s insistence ala the Paris Climate Accord that WE pay for THEIR cooperation?

Read on. We are told yet again how Microsoft’s co-founder became a billionaire, then, obsessed with developing clean tech through his philanthropic work. In a new book, ‘How to Avoid Climate Disaster’ (btw, NOT co-authored by Al Gore), Mr. Gates lays out an “action plan” that he & a “cadre of billionaire partners” will use “for ending the world’s carbon dependency.” The goal is daunting: “The planet must reduce the amount of greenhouse emissions… currently about 51 billion tons per year…to ZERO by 2050,” Nothing less, he says “will prevent a catastrophe” & it’s going to take a “full-scale technological revolution.”

Recall the scene in ‘Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream Home’ in which the wife proposes a due over of the family’s toxically crowded Manhattan apartment. “How much,” he asks several times without an answer. When finally revealed, the price from architect Bunny Funkhouser with the open toed sandals sends Mr. Blandings into sticker shock. So does the projected cost of another architect to build a brand new home with a John Wretch as the general contractor. To his credit, Mr. Gates concedes it will cost at least $5 trillion every year going on forever IF today’s costs can be cut in half; so, if not, the annual tab forever is $10T? In the WSJ piece, he mentions getting the UN on Board. Please. Then, he dives into this & that fund already underwritten by himself & other billionaires. Nice. My Q, Bill: How much will it really cost? Not just in dollars to convert entire industries. But, in lost jobs for us non-billionaires?

Davd Soul


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