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Will GOP Finally Stop Spendthrift Joe?

GOP op ed authors asked, “American families live on a budget, why can’t Congress?” Truth: No one in DC Swamp works but do play monopoly with other peoples’ money. Yet, don’t us chumps let ‘em all get away with it?

Writing for Fox News, Reps Randy Feenstra & Blake Moore, note: “Americans understand that if they spend more than they make, they are risking their futures. Our government has been willfully ignoring this truth for too long.” The co-authors go on to focus on more than just the legislative branch of our spendthrift gov’t & call out the man in the WH, too: “President Biden recently issued his budget for Fiscal Year 2024 & over the next 10 years, his plan will spend $82 trillion, tax $65 trillion & add $17 trillion to our [$31.7] trillion deficit – the highest sustained levels in American history.”

The Republican writers tout their own party’s “Commitment to America” to contrast the spending spree a Democratic-controlled WH & Congress went on since 2020 ... and threaten to inflate even more. That’s all well and good. But, left unmentioned is the GOP’s own complicity in the forever rising deficits, from Trump’s own mushrooming budgets to acceding since to much of Biden’s wild pandemic spending & parts of the even more inflationary “Inflation Reduction Act.” At some point, the “commitment to fiscal discipline” has to be more than a promise. The latest acid test will be the looming budget showdown for 2024. The usually partisan MSM … NY Times, CNN, ABC, WSJ, Fox, et al … are unified in saying Dems & Reps are again playing brinkmanship politics aka “chicken” with one another as the deadline for funding the federal gov’t nears. Will the GOP cave under again or on top of Joe’s budget this time?

Davd Soul


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