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Will Hunter’s Sliced Bread Eat Joe’s Lunch?

Punditry wisdom agrees Trump wouldn’t gain by making Hunter Biden’s “felony conviction” a campaign issue BUT John Yoo warns Joe better get ready to duck when implicated in his son’s trial on tax evasion charges linked to foreign creeps.


And, right or wrong, President Biden WILL get implicated in Hunter’s influence peddling racket if he is delusional enough to insist yet again going to that next trial scheduled in September … rather than cop a plea like he should have in the gun rap. That’s because Congressional investigators, whistleblowers & that FBI-verified laptop have already revealed gobs of suspicious references to the “Big Guy” & recordings/records of Joe constantly getting on the phone with Hunter’s “business” targets.


As the Fox News piece noted, the firearms conviction is peanuts that actually “distracts” from the “real scandal: Whether Hunter took money from foreign companies & even governments to peddle influence through his father, now the sitting president of the United States.” It happens to be the basis for the charges going to trial “just in time to influence the November elections.” Sure to haunt Joe is his constant mockery of earlier suggestions that he had NOTHING TO DO & HAD NO KNOWLEDGE of Hunter’s “consulting” business for which he cannot show any service provided, other than to get the old man on the phone or show up at weird meetings. Whether or not Joe actually took a dime of the millions Hunter & James Biden is accused of raking in but not reporting WILL be asked & dissected. And, its not going to be a pretty look now matter how it’s sliced.


Davd Soul


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