Will Jesus Or Trump Avoid A Crash?
Controversial economist says expect a “crash of a lifetime” next year, even though money machine Trump got elected. He suggests the global “bubble” on stocks is so huge only Jesus could save us from a recession. Any takers on his bet?
Harry Dent pulled no punches in telling Fox News that Trump’s post-election stock boom (i.e., record high prices & best week for the entire year) won’t stop what he believes will be an inevitable market crash, one that history teaches can be cured only by a serious economic downturn. He’s still convinced America’s monstrous private debt (let alone Uncle Sam’s own $37T National Debt) spells the market’s doom. And, that’s why he thinks those predicting a “soft landing” are wishful thinkers. Says Dent: “I can tell you one thing: bubbles never, ever end well. There’s no way to go from [an] extreme bubble & have a soft landing. Now, that’s what seems to be happening right now, and we’ll see. But I tell people, give [it until] 2025 … [Yet] I can’t even compare past bubbles to this bubble, given how global & pervasive it is.”
But, Harry, what about Trump’s promises of tax cuts, reputation for pro-growth policies & record of deregulating overburdensome government? By way of retort, Dent stuck to his recession guns by suggesting that Trump’s Administration may help ameliorate next year’s market plunge he's predicting, but “Trump’s fiscal policies won’t be enough to prevent a cyclical crash [that is] tied more to private than federal debt.” Besides, Dent adds (i.e., piles on) “we already have the biggest runaway, 16-year streak of deficits. We have not seen a balanced budget since 2001 … It’s just crazy.” Yeah, but what if Trump is “Crazy Like a Fox”? Or, after being spared from death by inches during the campaign, has a proven pipeline to Jesus?
Davd Soul
