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Will Joe Wear Condom In Monkeypox Crisis?

Wise for Team Biden to declare Monkeypox “emergency” so existing vaccines made more available, but the virus is spread mostly by intimate sex twixt men so it ain’t Covid nor even HIV so please Dr. Fauci don’t mandate condoms for all …

… Or, Nancy & Chuck renew their 2020 push for early voting gone wild. Or, Sen. Pocahontas demand the US economy, now apparently in recession, be locked down again. Note, the governors of New York, California and Illinois had already declared states of emergency over the spread of monkey pox. To date, CDC estimates nearly 7,000 U.S. citizens have contracted the disease and while ANYONE can conceivably catch the virus, the CDC says it usually takes personal and prolonged skin-to-skin contact. Fox News explains symptoms include “fever, body aches, chills, fatigue & pimple-like bumps on many parts of the body”. Unlike HIV, vaccines have long been in existence to fight it. CDC advises a “range” of ways to reduce risks of interacting with a partner who has monkeypox, including “avoid sex of any kind (oral, anal, vaginal) and do not kiss or touch each other’s bodies…” Good to know!?

While President Biden urged in a statement for Americans to take the monkeypox outbreak “seriously,” one governor, Florida’s GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis, cautioned his Democratic colleagues not to overreact to the latest declared virus crisis. He explained to reporters: “I am so sick of politicians – and we saw this with COVID – trying to sow fear into the population … We had people calling, mothers worried about whether their kids could catch it at school … We are not doing fear [here] … And, we are not going to go out and try to rile people up and try to act like people can’t live their lives as they’ve been normally doing because of something.” Yeah, but would it get any weirder if oft-waffling , frustratingly vague Dr. Fauci advised No. 46, still testing positive for Covid, to wear a condom as well as his mask to bed … "JUST IN CASE"?

Davd Soul


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