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Will Pelosi Prove Old Soldiers or Trotskys Never Die?

So CNN pundit wants “fresh young blood” to lead Congress in questioning Speaker Pelosi’s running for election AGAIN as Dems’ House mid-term drubbing looms. Problemo: Ultra-weak Dem bench & mucho fresh young radicals in wings for the Skinny Lady to Sing.

True, even more than ancient Biden, ancient Pelosi’s “kiss my butt, I refuse to retire” announcement gives new meaning to the old political saw, “Old soldiers never die until they are carried out of the office.” Yet, Bakari Sellers opining on CNN’s “The Lead” that this war horse should “hang up her cleats” to allow others within the increasingly radicalized Democratic Party Caucus to take her place is arguably delusional.

Delusion One: “Nancy Pelosi will go down in history as the greatest speaker of all time … her legacy is already written … but, as you know [as does] Tom Brady, sometimes you have to hand up the cleats …” Well, Pelosi did dictatorially ram into law Obamacare with the barest of margins, but she also oversaw one of the worst mid-term shellackings in history with Part II all but a certainty. Delusion Two: One reason 44-year-old Brady hasn’t already retired is his teams don’t have an equal replacement QB to fill his cleats, er, shoes. In the Dems’ case, it’s hard to imagine a Speaker AOC, Tlaib, Swalwell or Schiff…

Davd Soul


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