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Without Hunter Xi Hands Joe His Lunch?

Constantly accused by friends & foes of being too old or incompetent, Joe now hears he’s gutless after Taiwan-thrashing call with PRC’s Xi, in which he seems too scared to bring up Wuhan lab leak or flooding US with fentanyl.

Actually, Fox News’ Jesse Watters’ rant, over No. 46 and his recent 2-hour and 17-minute call with China’s President Xi Jinping, started by opining that it “proved … he’s compromised. He’s not really in charge, Biden’s just been a front man for the national security state.” No, Jesse, tell us what you really think:

“After taking [that] two-hour phone call with our biggest enemy,” Watters continued, “Biden came out of it with NOTHING. According to readouts from the call, Biden never brought up the Wuhan lab leak, and he didn’t confront China with flooding our country with fentanyl. The Chinese actually threatened Joe Biden on the call and said, if we mess around with Taiwan, ‘those who play with fire perish by it.’ And, Biden just took it.” Maybe, Jesse, if only Hunter was also on the call – after all, Son of Joe was a big help in their past trip to China --- things would have been different? As it turns out, “Fighin’ Joe’s” flak insisted on Friday their fearless leader DID bring up “geocide” and “forced labor” by the PRC. China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, denied it & called the claim “disinformation” while a spokesperson said it was a “pure lie.” Joe? Never?

Davd Soul


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