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Woe Unto Those Who Throw Pearls At Pigs?

Driving by a sign in front of Arlington, VA church I noticed how it paraphrased Lincoln: “Until all of us are free, none of us are free.” No kidding. But, did they mean we should let the crazies run our increasingly progressive asylum?

As it happened, I attended this Sunday’s sermon at not only the Maryland church I was married in but of which Justice Brett Kavanaugh is a member. Another sign of the times is that the Supreme must now attend the services with a Secret Service escort to protect him & his family from the radical abortionists.

Of course, Jesus commanded that we love one another. As it also happened, the sermon this day was about the Messiah being peppered yet again by word-parsing religious elites trying to trick him into a theological misstep as to “who acted as a neighbor” to the robbed man. We learned from our monsignor (himself a former lawyer), that the lawyer answers, “The one who showed him mercy.” As Jesus often does, he turned the question on its head and answers with a question of His own, “who might be a neighbor to me?” In other words, context and common sense do matter. As Jesus famously advised the self-righteous “do not throw your pearls at pigs … lest they turn & tear you to pieces; he also warned “Woe unto you, teachers of the law & Pharisees, hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of Heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying … Blind guides!

Davd Soul


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