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Woke People Can Believe Jesus Is the Risen Christ

Why is I so hard for many of today’s woke to believe Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah, the Risen Christ?

After all, a large percentage believed that … the MSM’s fake news was real; all & only white people are inherently racist; Biden would be the adult in the White House; Putin would be idly threatened into not to invade Ukraine; Iran would give up the bomb with cash & handshake; foreigners would honor an open border; China would not steal every IP secret we had; climate could be changed overnight by bankrupting the nation’s economy; homeless folks could be bribed to give up their free ride on public land; Jussie Smollett was lynched in “Trump Country” blocks away from bluest city hall in the land; Hillary’s fake dossier should impeach a sitting president rather than indict herself; Congress wouldn’t drown in DC Swamp; academia wouldn’t drown in its own muddied waters; it's ok to suck the life out of near-term babies; second graders need to be sensitized to transgender folk; parents have no say-so in their child's education; Covid would be “snuffed out” by LAST summer …

All Jesus asked was that we believe Him & love one another as well as give thanks for being created by the One & Only. Was that to much to ask?

Davd Soul


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