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Woodshed Joe Tired Of Being Mr. Nice Guy?

Politico says Biden is “finally” tired of “trying to work with GOP” & instead will go on the “attack.” Huh? No doubt Old Joe will STAY on the attack winking, or sleeping, through fake “my way or the highway” talks, but …

So, it took Joe 12 months to figure out Barack Obama’s “pen & phone” dictatorship was the only way a Democrat can “govern” now? As Politico said, No. 46 claims today’s Republicans are nothing but “obstructionists,” “too MAGA.” Apparently, Joe’s wife, Jill Biden, was also “urging her husband to be less scripted and more on the offensive.” So, as Jill goes, so goes Joe …

Well, the GOPers replied to the news that Jill’s hubby has been more than “offensive,” thank you. GOP communications adviser Matt Whitlock tweeted: “Fascinated by the idea there was ever any real effort at bipartisanship from Biden. Legislatively they’ve almost exclusively focused on what they could pass on a party-line basis (ARP, Build Back Better, ending voter ID) or try by executive order (student debt bailout). Said another critic: “Bipartisanship … means [to Joe & Co] to offer those you disagree with the opportunity to support your legislation. If they don’t, they’re partisan.” Others reminded Joe of his name-calling that arguably exceeded Trump’s, e.g., calling opponents to election takeover proposal racists aka “George Wallace or Bull Connor or Jeff Davis.” Now, apparently, Joe is going to make good on his campaign promise to take anyone who disagrees with him “out to the wood shed” for a lesson in right thinking?

Davd Soul


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